Being part of the recycling industry for the past 17 years, our business has seen the industry change and grow dramatically. Unique in our own right we provide an opportunity for the average local community member and o business to recycle their metal products and make some spare cash. We get a sense of pride knowing that our business is good for the environment. Throughout our journey we have educated ourselves as to why recycling is important. We have run educational programs in schools and used our past skills to get the word out there. We affiliate ourselves with environmental groups and stay connected to an ever-changing industry.
So why recycle? When you research recycling where do you even start? Thousands of websites and education forums to sift through. Some offer statistics, percentages of volumes of landfill in Australia. You can learn how much energy is used to make one aluminum can. The facts, and education is interesting and endless. What we have discovered over the years is that there are some common factors that come up time and time again. We are all about keeping it simple. Below is a snapshot of why recycling is important.
For the Planet
• Reusing the resources that we already have means fewer raw materials need to be mined, drilled, and harvested
• Manufacturing new products from recycled materials uses less energy compared to the use of virgin materials. Recycling one tonne of plastic saves enough energy to power 31 homes for a month!
For Profit
• Recycling creates 9.2 jobs for every 2.8 jobs in landfilling.
• Australian Paper’s new recycling plant in Victoria can process 80,000 tonnes of waste paper and provides 246 permanent green jobs.
For People
• Recycling makes you happy! A study across 27 countries found that people who recycle have higher life satisfaction levels and are overall happier people.
There are plenty of opportunities in Queensland to recycle that are easy and convenient. Starting at home with our recycling bin provided by the local council.
Things that can go into your recycling bin at home.
• Aerosol cans (empty)
• Aluminum cans (can cashed in at local scrap metal depot or containers for change)
• Aluminum foil (clean) Screw into a ball before putting in bin.
• Books
• Cardboard (clean)
• CD covers/cases
• Crockery and ceramics
• Drinking glasses
• Envelope (including windows)
• Plastic punnets
• Glass jars and bottles (some glass bottles can be cashed in at containers for change depots)
• Glass plates
• Junk mail (paper)
• Magazines
• Medicine bottles
• Milk and juice boxes (popper juices can to go container for change depots) Lids removed.
• Mirror glass
• Newspapers
• Office paper
• Paint tins empty, 4L Size Max
• Paper
• Plastic containers and bottles (all hard plastic)
• Plastic plant pots
• Pyrex
• Resource Recovery Collection Satchels
• Steel tins and cans (can be taken to your local scrap metal recycling depot)
• Telephone books
• Wrapping paper
• Resource Recovery Collection Satchel
Another benefit of recycling is cashing your scrap metal in for cash. Our business and ones alike offer a metal recycling service for cash. We pick up scrap metal from businesses and service the public at our depot. You bring your metal product to us. We weigh it and pay you a price depending on what grade of metal it is. We pay for aluminum cans, stainless steel, car batteries, end of life cars, aluminum door frames, copper, brass, pot and pans, fridges, microwaves, ovens, and BBQs and much more.
The containers for change scheme were introduced into Queensland in 2019 and members of the public have opportunity to cash in their glass bottles, aluminum cans, and popper juice cartons.
AA, AAA 9V batteries can be recycled at your local Aldi stores, some Officeworks and some Battery World stores within Queensland.
Compost bins and worm farms are great for food scraps to embrace the natural lifecycle and decay and reduce landfill and greenhouse emissions.